Boss Tweed

When we as a society think of white collar criminals, we think in the current ways, as in cyber-warfare, computer hacking and stealing large amounts of currency. Can we compare Boss Tweed to any white collar criminal today? Of course. The types of crimes that Boss Tweed committed
The types of crimes that Boss Tweed committed actually do still occur today just not as blatant or numerous. It happens on the local level as well as the state and national levels. You can read about a volunteer treasurer for a fire company embellishing funds as well as a state senator using his office to get his son a job.
The level of corruption that Boss Tweed and his gang perpetrated would, however, be hard to hide today. There are too many checks and balances in government awarded work to pull off a scam of that magnitude. It may work for a while but with audits and watch dog groups it would be hard to pull off. The internet is also a great asset in fighting white-collar crime as almost all government websites have a way to file a complaint. The names may have changed, but the crimes are the same, it is the elite taking advantage of their positions, power and influence to lie, steal and cheat from the common people.